Invest in Musaffa:

US-based Islamic Fintech Company

For Accredited Investors
Price Per Share: $1.00
Min. Investment: $25,000.00
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Price Per Share: $1.00
Min. Investment: $25,000.00
$1.00 Price Per Share
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Top Reasons to Invest in Musaffa

  • 1
    #1 Halal Stock and ETF Screener & Investment Research app in the world

    One of the most downloaded (880K+) and reviewed apps in Islamic Finance*

    423K+ Active Users | 195 Countries | 4.7 App Rating

  • 2
    The Market is Huge!

    The Serviceable Obtainable Market is approximately 400 Million Muslims* Capturing just 0.5% of this could mean potentially 2 Million paying customers, InshaAllah!

  • 3
    Google Cloud Accelerates Musaffa's Global Scalability

    Google Cloud has chosen Musaffa to join its Google for Startups Program and has awarded $200K in credits to accelerate Musaffa's growth!

  • 4
    Raised Investments from 100+ Investors Globally

    Musaffa has raised over $2.6 million in funding from accredited and unaccredited investors across 24 countries.

  • 5
    We invested ourselves with solid commitment

    The founders invested over $250,000 to start Musaffa, and senior team members also hold ownership stakes. This aligns the interests of investors and management.

Projected Exponential Growth

For over two years, we developed Shariah-compliant proprietary financial software before starting to monetize our products. In the last three months, we've gained over two thousand paying customers, with Musaffa's forecasted compounded monthly growth rate (CMGR) for 2024 at 68%*

Stellar executive management and a passionate team

The leadership team consists of individuals with extensive experience in working for and leading financial technology firms across the United States, UAE, and Canada.


55+ Tech & finance professionals with combined work experience of 150+ years

Dilshod Jumaniyazov and Warren Buffett, Omaha, Nebraska 2011

Dilshod Jumaniyazov and Warren Buffett,
Omaha, Nebraska 2011

As the co-founder and president of the University of Tennessee Investment Group, Dilshod had the honour of meeting Warren Buffett. After a meaningful discussion, Buffett's insights further inspired Dilshod to advance his vision of creating a global investment platform tailored for Muslims.

What is Musaffa Solving?


  • Shortage of education on Islamic finance and halal investment options despite huge global interest

  • Muslims are not allowed to invest in non-Shariah-compliant financial instruments, such as derivatives (such as options, forwards, futures, and swaps), bonds, and a majority of stocks and ETFs

  • No easy way exists for Muslims to screen, research, and invest in Shariah-compliant stocks & ETFs globally

Our Solution

  • 1
    LEARN: Increasing Islamic Finance knowledge
  • 2
    SCREEN: Finding Halal Stocks & ETFs globally
  • 3
    RESEARCH: Performing Fundamental Research
  • 4
    INVEST: Investing in Halal Stocks & ETFs
  • 5
    PURIFY: Investing Cleanly - Exiting Cleanly


LEARN: Increasing Islamic Finance knowledge

  • Musaffa Academy 

    Learn financial concepts and terms on this financial education platform, from basic Islamic and traditional finance to advanced investment strategies, and make informed and educated financial decisions.

  • Musaffa Community 

    Discuss finance, halal investing, and personal financial management online. Seek advice, share knowledge, and stay informed about market trends.

Musaffa Academy 

Learn financial concepts and terms on this financial education platform, from basic Islamic and traditional finance to advanced investment strategies, and make informed and educated financial decisions.

Musaffa Community 

Discuss finance, halal investing, and personal financial management online. Seek advice, share knowledge, and stay informed about market trends.

SCREEN: Finding Halal Stocks & ETFs globally

  • Halal Stocks and ETFs Screener

    Screen over 120,000 stocks and 9,000 ETFs globally to find Shariah-compliant stocks and ETFs. Currently, our users can enjoy screening over 80,000 stocks and 3,000 ETFs.

  • Halal Stocks Collections

    Quickly screen and find the trending halal stocks, including stock bucket collections such as Halal top gainers, top losers, 52-week low, 52-week high, most active, and most popular stocks.

Halal Stocks and ETFs Screener

Screen over 120,000 stocks and 9,000 ETFs globally to find Shariah-compliant stocks and ETFs. Currently, our users can enjoy screening over 80,000 stocks and 3,000 ETFs.

Halal Stocks Collections

Quickly screen and find the trending halal stocks, including stock bucket collections such as Halal top gainers, top losers, 52-week low, 52-week high, most active, and most popular stocks.

RESEARCH: Performing Fundamental Research

  • Investment Research

    Conduct fundamental research to understand the risks and returns associated with potential investments comprehensively. Analyze company and market data to enable well-informed decisions, leading to the identification of profitable stocks.

  • Investment Checklist

    Make well-informed decisions by assessing risk, financial health, business aspects, management, dividends, valuation, market conditions, liquidity, and portfolio alignment, with a focus on achieving long-term goals.

Investment Research

Conduct fundamental research to understand the risks and returns associated with potential investments comprehensively. Analyze company and market data to enable well-informed decisions, leading to the identification of profitable stocks.

Investment Checklist

Make well-informed decisions by assessing risk, financial health, business aspects, management, dividends, valuation, market conditions, liquidity, and portfolio alignment, with a focus on achieving long-term goals.

INVEST: Investing in Halal Stocks & ETFs

  • Seamless Portfolio Monitoring

    Link portfolios from current brokerages to the Musaffa platform/apps and monitor the Shariah compliance of investments in real time.

  • Halal Trading Platform

    Invest only in halal stocks and ETFs locally and internationally by opening a brokerage account directly on the Musaffa platform.

  • Customized Portfolios

    Build customized portfolios to align with personal goals, manage risk effectively, maximize returns, adapt to market conditions, and address religious considerations.

  • Smart Notifications

    Receive real-time alerts on Shariah compliance of investments, market events, price movements, portfolio adjustments, news, analysis, dividends. This facilitates managing risks and making informed investment decisions.

Seamless Portfolio Monitoring

Link portfolios from current brokerages to the Musaffa platform/apps and monitor the Shariah compliance of investments in real time.

Halal Trading Platform

Invest only in halal stocks and ETFs locally and internationally by opening a brokerage account directly on the Musaffa platform.

Customized Portfolios

Build customized portfolios to align with personal goals, manage risk effectively, maximize returns, adapt to market conditions, and address religious considerations.

Smart Notifications

Receive real-time alerts on Shariah compliance of investments, market events, price movements, portfolio adjustments, news, analysis, dividends. This facilitates managing risks and making informed investment decisions.

PURIFY: Investing Cleanly - Exiting Cleanly

  • Purification

    Purify your investments by donating the non-halal portion of profits from profitable investments, ensuring continuous Shariah compliance of your investments.

  • Zakat Platform

    Accurately calculate and pay Zakat to support charitable causes, achieve spiritual purification, support the community, foster solidarity among Muslims, and, most importantly, fulfill a religious duty.


Purify your investments by donating the non-halal portion of profits from profitable investments, ensuring continuous Shariah compliance of your investments.

Zakat Platform

Accurately calculate and pay Zakat to support charitable causes, achieve spiritual purification, support the community, foster solidarity among Muslims, and, most importantly, fulfill a religious duty.

Our Shariah Advisors

Shaikh Dr. Aznan Hasan

Shariah Board member of Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (“AAOIFI”).

Mufti Faraz Adam

Well-known UK-based Islamic Finance consultant and head of the global Shariah advisory firm Amanah Advisors.

Our Shariah board members continuously monitor our operations, systems, and technologies to ascertain that we are completely adhering to Shariah standards.

View Certificates

Offices Globally

New York, USA

One World Trade Center,
285 Fulton St, Suite 8500,
New York, NY 10007, USA

Dubai, UAE

Office 1802, Lake Central Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

1A, Mahtumquli street, 13th Floor, Yashnobod District, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan

Musaffa’s Growth

Company History
From 2020 to 2024


Musaffa’s story begins in NYC with 3 passionate founders


Launched Web Platform with 12 Countries Covered New Office in Tashkent


Launched Mobile Apps with 50,000+ Stocks Covered


72K+ Users Globally 6 B2B Partnerships


New Office in New York Launched world's first Shariah-compliant ETF Screener


314K+ Users Globally The team expanded to 50+ members


New Offices in Dubai & Tashkent Portfolio Integration & Purification with 15 Brokerages

Musaffa’s Growth

Company History
From 2020 to 2024


Musaffa’s story begins in NYC with 3 passionate founders


Launched Web Platform with 12 Countries Covered New Office in Tashkent


Launched Mobile Apps with 50,000+ Stocks Covered


72K+ Users Globally 6 B2B Partnerships


New Office in New York Launched world's first Shariah-compliant ETF Screener


314K+ Users Globally The team expanded to 50+ members


New Offices in Dubai & Tashkent Portfolio Integration & Purification with 15 Brokerages

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Frequently Asked Questions

Regulation D, Rule 506(c) is a rule under the Securities Act of 1933 that permits Musaffa, Inc ("Musaffa") to conduct private securities offerings to raise capital from investors without having to register the offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).

Musaffa offers Class B Common Stock under this Rule 506(c) offering.

Pursuant to Regulation D, only accredited investors may participate in a Rule 506(c) offering. One reason these offerings are limited to accredited investors is to ensure that all participating investors are financially sophisticated and able to fend for themselves or sustain the risk of loss, thus rendering unnecessary the protections that come from a registered offering.

Under Regulation D, Rule 506(c), an accredited investor is a type of investor who has sufficient net worth or income to absorb potential losses to their investment.
  1. Accredited investor criteria for individuals:
    • Has a net worth higher than $1,000,000 either individually or with your spouse, not including your primary residence;
    • Has an annual income higher than $200,000 for individuals or $300,000 as joint income in the last 2 years and expects to earn more than that amount in the current year;
    • Is an investment professional in good standing, who holds the general securities representative license (Series 7), the investment adviser representative license (Series 65), or the private securities offerings representative license (Series 82).
  2. Accredited investor criteria for an entity:
    • An entity owning investments in excess of $5 million;
    • An entity where all equity owners are accredited investors;
    • The following entities with assets in excess of $5 million
      1. Trusts
      2. Corporations
      3. Partnerships
      4. LLCs
      5. 501(c)(3) organizations
      6. Employee benefit plans
      7. “Family office” or any “family client” of that office
    • Investment advisers (SEC- or state-registered or exempt reporting advisers) and SEC-registered broker-dealers;
    • Financial entities, such as:
      1. A bank
      2. Savings and loan association
      3. Insurance company
      4. Registered investment company
      5. Business development company, or small business investment company, or rural business investment company.
For more information about accredited investor status, see this bulletin from the SEC.

  • Under Rule 506(c), Musaffa must only take in investments from verified “accredited investors” as such term is defined in Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933. In connection with this, Musaffa must also take “reasonable steps” to verify the accredited investor status of each purchaser. This can include reviewing documentation, obtaining written confirmation from a third-party professional, or asking the investor to provide a signed statement or certification. Musaffa engaged Dealmaker Securities LLC (“Dealmaker”) to support its Rule 506(c) offering and utilizes its platform to conduct an accredited investor verification process.
  • For more information about the verification process conducted by Dealmaker and the required documents, please see their FAQ page here:

Per Dealmaker once documents are provided, they are typically reviewed within 1-2 business days. The overall timeline for the accredited investor verification process will vary depending on whether the documents provided are sufficient.

Yes, you will need to verify your status for each Regulation D, 506(c) offering that you would like to participate in unless you satisfy either of the conditions laid out by Dealmaker in this link.

No, if you are NOT an accredited investor you will not be able to participate in the 506(c) offering. Non-accredited investors do not meet the financial criteria set by the SEC and are not allowed to invest in these offerings.

There is no requirement under securities law for a 506(c) offering to have a minimum or maximum investment amount. However, a minimum or maximum may be set by Musaffa.

All investments involve a certain degree of risk, and private offerings are no exception. Investors could lose a part or all of their investments if the business fails to meet its business objectives or faces financial difficulties. Investments under Rule 506(c) involve long holding periods as it may take several years for companies to execute their plans and achieve liquidity events, such as Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) or acquisition. Therefore, investors must commit their capital for extended periods of time. Moreover, companies under Rule 506(c) offerings are normally early-stage businesses functioning in a competitive market. These growth-stage companies are subject to various risks, including market, operational and technological risks, which could have an impact on their ability to generate returns for investors.

Securities bought in a Rule 506(c) Offering are typically restricted stocks pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933. There may also be other restrictions such as “blue-sky” laws in the state of your residence, restrictions set by Musaffa, and others. This means that there are limitations on when and how these securities can be sold. Generally, investors must hold the securities for a certain period of time before they can be sold, and there are restrictions on the number of securities that can be sold in any given period.

Shares of Musaffa are not publicly-traded, so they cannot be easily traded or sold. As an investor in a private company, you typically look to receive a return on your investment under the following scenarios:
  • Musaffa gets acquired by another company;
  • Musaffa goes public (makes an initial public offering).
These are both considered long-term exits, taking approximately 5-10 years (and often longer) to see the possibility for an exit. It can sometimes take years to build companies, and there is no guarantee that a company will be successful or have an exit event.

Yes, there may be tax implications associated with investing in Rule 506(c) Offerings. It is important to consult with a tax advisor to understand the specific tax implications for your individual situation.

Yes, non-US citizens can participate in 506(c) offerings subject to certain conditions.
  1. You have to qualify as an accredited investor;
  2. You should be aware of the legal requirements of your home country regarding investments in foreign securities;
  3. Participating in 506(c) may bring tax implications both in the US and in your home country, therefore, it is advised that you consult with your experts.

Please review these FAQs in detail, the Offering Memorandum which can be found after you sign in to the platform, the subscription agreement you sign for investing, and finally information and documents that we filed to SEC - link.

Yes, at the moment there are no restrictions under the US laws for you to invest in multiple Rule 506(c) offerings. However, if you are a foreign accredited investor, please also check the local laws for any restrictions.

Yes, you can, as long as you are an accredited investor.

No, minors or individuals under the age of 18 are not eligible to invest in Rule 506(c) offerings. Securities laws often require investors to be of legal age to ensure they can understand the risks and implications of their investments. Therefore, minors are usually excluded from participating in Rule 506(c) offerings.

At a minimum, Musaffa will be filing with the SEC and posting on its website an annual report, along with certified financial statements. Those should be available 120 days after the fiscal year end. If Musaffa meets a reporting exception or eventually has to file more reported information to the SEC, the reporting described above may end. If these reports end, you may not continually have current financial information about Musaffa.

  • If you haven't yet been Accepted into the 506(c) offering, you may contact Musaffa via to request a refund/cancellation.
  • If you've already been Accepted into the 506(c) offering, the ability to cancel your investment may depend on whether or not your securities have been issued. It is also recommended to contact Musaffa via, in this scenario.
  • Once you have funded and been countersigned by the company, you will need to contact Musaffa via directly for anything surrounding changes to the investment, as securities may have already been issued to you. If securities have been issued, it is a costly and lengthy process for you to sell your restricted shares and return your money.

For additional detailed information, we encourage you to read the Offering Memorandum in its entirety. If you have further questions you can email our investor relations team at and a representative will be in touch with you. Please be sure to include your best daytime phone number and other contact information.

Have questions about the offering? Email and a representative will answer any questions.

Contact Us

No public market currently exists for the securities of Musaffa, Inc., and if a public market develops following the Rule 506(c) offering, this 506(c) offering may not continue. Please read the Company’s Offering Memorandum in its entirety for additional information on the company and risk factors related to the offering.